Pest control of flies

Access, cleaning and limiting numbers

  • Make sure you record any visits to shared workspaces or offices on a log sheet
  • Where possible restrict or stop all visits to the workplace that are unnecessary
  • Install barriers or floor markings to ensure social distancing while waiting to enter/exit the workplace or store
  • Plastic screens should be used to avoid face to face contact - if technicians need to share a vehicle, drop-down screens can be fitted to protect the occupants.

Make sure you record any visits to shared workspaces or offices on a log sheet

Where possible reduce the numbers of employees on-site at any one time:

  • Introduce a shift system to reduce numbers of workers at any one time
  • Reduce the numbers in teams and desks to an office as a temporary arrangement.

There are various factors to consider and ways to control the use of welfare facilities. These include:

  • Reducing the number of employees in break rooms by introducing staggered dinner breaks
  • Reducing the number of chairs or tables in the break room to ensure social distancing is adhered to
  • Providing hand gels and sprays for wiping down communal items such as microwaves, kettles etc
  • If you have toilet facilities with multiple cubicles, introduce a 'one in, one out' policy
  • Ensuring there are signs in the bathroom to encourage thorough hand washing and general hygiene
  • Consider field workers who may have limited access to toilets due to the lockdown - there are apps available to locate nearby facilities and their status in terms of open or closed. Research should be done and shared with employees.

You should implement a more frequent and robust cleaning regime. This must include all areas which may not usually be part of the daily cleaning regime, such as:

  • Vehicles
  • Handrails on stairs
  • Door handles
  • PCs
  • Printers
  • Telephones.

Cleaning products should be sourced for ‘anti-viral’ cleaning as Covid-19 is a virus, not a bacterium.


Call today to arrange a no obligation survey of your bird or pest control infestation.