At the beginning of the year Aderyn were chosen to carry out birdproofing works to 8 roofs on a site in Gloucester. The largest of which is 200m x 100m. This was bay far the most challenging as not only was it classified as a fragile roof (due to the extensive glass roof light) there was the stipulation that the net support posts could not be fixed in any way to the roof.
The after a couple of weeks planning the job commenced on a cold February morning with the large quantity of materials arriving on site, over 260 net support bases and 5 tonnes of net support posts not to mention the acres of netting. The next couple of weeks were spent setting out the post positions on the main roof and walking out all 260 bases and support posts. The team walked an average of 15,000 steps each per day!! an achievement any fitness addict would be proud of.
After several weeks everything was ready for the netting which due to the imense size of the area involved had to be done by joining 26 nets together all averaging a size of 30m x 30m. This took 42,000 hog rings to complete.
We the started on the roofs which would link into the main roof. bases and stantion were positioned with care and precision only to be changed to line up with the posts on the main roof. 5,000m of stainless steel wire linked all the posts and provided a perimeter wire system onto which the netting would be fixed. The weather during February and early march was certainly changeable which restricted access onto the main roof if it was wet so several days were lost but thankfully the weather improved and even managed to capture a rare imare of a horizontal rainbow.

Thankfully the weather held and the job was completed just before Easter weekend.
Aderyn Ltd have just completed one of the largest net installation carried out in the UK this year. so if you have a challenging bird proofing issue then why not let Aderyn look at it & I think we have proven nothing is too large for us to tackle.

Call 029 2099 0115 today to arrange a free no obligation survey of your bird or pest control infestation.